Sunday, June 26, 2011


What if your limitations were all an illusion? What if you were being held back, not by your circumstances, but by your mind? Though it is easy to recognize the perceptual bias of another, your own perceptions are more difficult to distinguish from reality.
In many ways the world you see is of your own making. Consider what that could mean. The obstacles you perceive may not really be there if you could get your mind beyond them. The limitations against which you struggle could be gone the instant you change your viewpoint.

What may appear to be cold, hard, immutable reality could melt away and be transformed by the power of your own perceptions. Though it is foolish to ignore reality, it is tragic to be frozen by it.

What if you could change the world and didn't know it? What if you suddenly figured it out? Look beyond the obvious. Look beyond your assumptions. Step outside the window of your perceptions and marvel at the vastness of possibility.

-- Ralph Marston

Monday, June 20, 2011

In order to .................................

In order to discover new lands, one must be willing to lose sight of 
the shore for a very long time.
- Anonymous

Friday, June 17, 2011

Relax even now

You can relax right now. Relaxation does not have to wait until the weekend or vacation time. For the most part, life is not an emergency, though too many of us live each hour of each day as if it is. Whatever you are doing, whatever deadlines you are working against, relax.

Frenzy and anxiety accomplish nothing other than raising your blood pressure and making you more prone to mistakes. Sure, you have a lot to get done today, and the list continues to grow. So take a deep breath, relax, and get to work at a sure and steady pace.

Relaxation does not require a lack of activity. Just about anything that can be done in a state of anxiety can be done even more effectively in a state of relaxation. Being frantic will not get anything accomplished. Being focused will. Decide to relax and it will happen. Whatever you're doing, relax right now, and find true enjoyment in getting it done.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Discover ....

 Discover your companion's world. Two worlds are richer than one.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Saying about Mother

A mother's love for her
child is like nothing else
in the world. It knows no law,
no pity, it dares all things
and crushes down remorselessly
all that stands in its path.  

A mother understands what a child does not say.

God could not
be everywhere
and therefore
he made mothers.

Mother is
the name
of God in
the lips and
hearts of
little children.

She is strength,
She is beauty,
She is love...
She is my Mom and
I love her more than
words can say.