Monday, December 21, 2015

Friday, December 18, 2015

Seize the challenges

Seize the challenges

You have survived every single challenge that has come your way. And when you look back on the things you've done, it is clear that not only have you survived those challenges, they have caused you to learn, to grow, to become stronger.

Challenge is difficult, and it is valuable as well. Challenge can energize. Challenge can focus. Challenge can turn mere passing interest into rock solid commitment. It can turn mediocre into exceptional. In the long run, challenge pays off with big rewards.

One of the surest ways to move your life forward is through challenge. Sometimes the challenges are forced upon you. But you don't have to wait for challenges to come your way.

Seek out challenges for the value they offer. Improve the quality of your life by increasing the level of your challenges. You've already made it through a lifetime of challenges. Continue to find more that will move you ahead and compel you to become even stronger. Seize the challenges and you'll grasp your dreams.

-- Ralph Marston

Friday, December 11, 2015

Thoughtfulness for others,......................

Thoughtfulness for others, generosity, modesty and self-respect are the qualities which make a real gentleman or lady.

- Thomas H. Huxley

Saturday, December 5, 2015

No man ever..................................

No man ever achieved worthwhile success who did not, at one time or other, find himself with at least one foot hanging well over the brink of failure.

-Napoleon Hill, 1883-1970, American Speaker, Motivational Writer, ''Think and Grow Rich''

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Do the math

Do the math

Lasting success is achieved by addition and multiplication, not subtraction or division. If your winning depends on causing someone else to lose, that success is doomed to eventually run out. By contrast, when your success is built by creating new value for the world around you, it can continue to grow indefinitely.

Do the math. When you continue subtracting and dividing, you soon reach the very real limit of zero. But you can continue adding and multiplying with no such limit.

Certainly it is a competitive world. Yet the most successful competitors are those who do not depend on the competition, those who make the whole pie bigger instead of fighting over a single slice.

Real success and real value can never be wrested away from another. Your success and fulfillment must be built by you. Focus on the competition, and that competition will throw obstacles in your path at every turn. Focus on creating new value, and the world will enthusiastically push you forward.

-- Ralph Marston

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Faith that the ...............................

Faith that the thing can be done is essential to any great achievement.

- Thomas N. Carruther

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Don't fear failure.................

"Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have and should have."

 – Louis Boone, American Author 

Friday, November 6, 2015

Forget where you.............................

 "Forget where you have been earlier. What matters is where you go now."

M.K. Soni

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Today is awesome

Today is awesome

See this day with the awe it deserves. It is a blessing with no equal. Today is an opportunity, an adventure, a challenge, a glorious experience filled with enlightenment and wonder.

A single day in your present-day life would have been an unimaginable, once-in-a-lifetime experience for even the mightiest king of 500 years ago. Consider the depth and extent of the richness which spreads out before you, within your grasp. What a great time to be alive!

How will you make the most of this grand existence which is condensed into the day you now behold? You can think. You can reason. You can move about. You can take action. And you can do all these things with a directed purpose. You can make a difference today. Though this day is awesome indeed, it's nothing compared to what you can make of it.

-- Ralph Marston

Monday, August 31, 2015

There is no...............................

There is no sensual pleasure in the world comparable to the delight and satisfaction that a good man takes in doing good.

- Tillotson

Friday, August 7, 2015

Within you right...................

"Within you right now is the power to do things you never dreamed possible. This power becomes available to you just as soon as you can change your beliefs."

Dr. Maxwell Maltz, American Plastic Surgeon, Author of ''Psycho-Cybernetics''

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Right actions for ....................

Right actions for the future are the best apologies for wrong ones in the past.

- Tyron Edwards

Friday, July 17, 2015

Free from limitation

Free from limitation

You are not your limitations. Though you may hold tightly to them and even embrace them, you can also free yourself from them when you decide to do so. Though they may seem like an integral part of you, they are not. You have adopted them and you can also let them go.

Imagine being completely free of your most confining limitations. Though your life would certainly be different, the fact is that you would still be you. You don't need the limitations. They're not permanently bonded to you. You can indeed disengage. That freedom is closer than you think. It begins the moment you stop giving power to your limiting thoughts, feelings, habits and actions.

Your limitations are not imposed on you. They are accepted by you. No condition, no circumstance is inherently limiting. What you do with those circumstances is what matters most. Rather than looking for excuses to give up, find the reasons to move forward. Go beyond those limiting thoughts and free yourself to be your very best.

-- Ralph Marston


Monday, July 6, 2015

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

There are many...............

There are many ways to measure success; not the least of which is the way your child describes you when talking to a friend.- Unknown

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Daily Motivator

Daily Motivator 
Immediate reward

Though most goals take a long and sustained effort to reach, the benefits of moving toward them begin to accrue immediately. There is a strong sense of purpose and direction which comes when you pursue a challenging objective. That positive influence takes hold the moment you commit to reaching the objective. It gives to each day, each moment, each action an energy which would not otherwise be present.

While it is true that genuine accomplishment requires effort applied over time, that eventual accomplishment begins to return value as soon as you start to work on it. Working diligently toward a future objective adds real value to your world today.

So what are you waiting for? Set your sights on an ambitious goal and start right now to reach for it. The reaching, the striving, the discipline and the effort are their own rewards. And they serve to make the goal, when it is indeed reached, more valuable than you ever could have imagined.

-- Ralph Marston


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Newman's first law:.........................

"Newman's first law: It is useless to put on your brakes when you're upside down." - Paul Newman

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Most Important Body Part

The Most Important Body Part

My mother used to ask me what is the most important part of the body. Through the years I would take a guess at what I thought was the correct answer.

When I was younger, I thought sound was very important to us as humans, so I said, 'My ears, Mommy.'

She said, 'No. Many people are deaf. But you keep thinking about it and I will ask you again soon.'

Several years passed before she asked me again.

Since making my first attempt, I had contemplated the correct answer. So this time I told her, 'Mommy, sight is very important to everybody, so it must be our eyes'.

She looked at me and told me, 'You are learning fast, but the answer is not correct because there are many people who are blind.'

Stumped again, I continued my quest for knowledge and over the years, Mother asked me a couple more times and always her answer was, 'No. But you are getting smarter every year, my child.'

Then last year, my grandpa died. Everybody was hurt. Everybody was crying. Even my father cried. I remember that especially because it was only the second time I saw him cry.

My Mom looked at me when it was our turn to say our final good-bye to Grandpa. She asked me, 'Do you know the most important body part yet, my dear?'

I was shocked when she asked me this now. I always thought this was a game between her and me.

She saw the confusion on my face and told me, 'This question is very important. It shows that you have really lived in your life. For every body part you gave me in the past, I have told you was wrong and I have given you an example why. But today is the day you need to learn this important lesson.'

She looked down at me as only a mother can. I saw her eyes well up with tears. She said, 'My dear, the most important body part is your shoulder.'

I asked, 'Is it because it holds up your head?'

She replied, 'No, it is because it can hold the head of a friend or a loved one when they cry. Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometime in life, my dear. I only hope that you have enough love and friends that you will always have a shoulder to cry on when you need it.'

Then and there I knew the most important body part is not a selfish one. It is sympathetic to the pain of others. People will forget what you said.......People will forget what you did........ But people will NEVER forget how you made them feel.


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Something will grow

Something will grow

Something will grow in the garden of your life today. Will it be an unsightly weed or a beautiful flower? Will it be what you've planned and created by your thoughts and actions, or will it simply be what you've allowed by your carelessness and lack of clear direction.
Whatever you plant will grow in the fertile ground that is today. Fail to plant, fail to tend the garden, and something will still grow there. But it probably won't be to your liking.
Walking through a neighborhood, it is easy to spot the gardens which are carefully and lovingly tended. They're the bright and bountiful ones. Likewise, a life that's well tended is filled with the bright, beautiful rewards of that care and effort.
What will grow in your life today? The fertile ground is waiting for the seed of your purpose and the care of your commitment. Today you can grow something of value and beauty. Just decide to make it so right now.
-- Ralph Marston

Sunday, April 12, 2015

The vision must.......................

The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps - We must step up the stairs.

- Vance Havner

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The greatest.........

The greatest achievement of the human spirit is to live up to one's
opportunities, and to make the most of one's resources.

- Vauvenargues

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Be you

Be you

The surest way to make a good impression is to be yourself. After all, being you is what you do best. You have a great deal of experience at it. The surest way to look like a fool is by attempting to impress others with something you're not.

Success comes not from pretense. Success comes from substance. Perhaps you think the substance of your life is not that impressive. If so, you're completely and absolutely wrong!

You are overflowing with substance and value and it will show if you'll just let it. Your own experiences, thoughts, interests, knowledge, passions, desires, integrity and sense of humor, among many other things, set you apart and make you truly special.

You are wonderful and you are worthy. The power of substance comes from being who you are. Be you. It is your destiny. The world is waiting to joyfully throw its arms around the genuine, valuable person you know you are.

-- Ralph Marston


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

"Friendship often ends ....................

"Friendship often ends in love;

 but love, in friendship - never."


Charles C Colton