Make it yours
Don't wait for someone to give you permission to succeed and achieve. Get yourself busy and do it. Don't wait for someone to tell you how to do it. Take it upon yourself to figure it out. Don't wait for just the right situation. Don't count on being lucky. Do what it takes to make your own good fortune.
Learn from others. Seek the advice, input and feedback of those whose opinions you respect. But don't depend on anyone or anything to do it for you. Make the best of fortunate situations, but don't depend on
luck or chance.
Depend on those things over which you have the most direct control -- your own thoughts and actions, your ability to make the choices which will lead to precisely where you have decided to go.
Your destiny is in your hands. Think like it and act like it with each passing moment. Take hold of that destiny and make it the best it can possibly be.
- Ralph Marston
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